Investing in UK future tech talent

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Our passion in seeing young professionals flourish

Young talent is crucial for our business, our industry and our country’s future growth. From apprenticeships, undergraduate and post graduate programmes to our school, college and university outreach schemes, we are passionate about seeing young professionals flourish in their chosen careers.

Craig Cobb, Head of Future Talent at Computacenter UK

Craig Cobb, Future Talent Manager

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Stem outreach in national schools, universities, and work experience placements

In line with Government strategy to safeguard our future by investing in the next generation of UK talent, we actively encourage young people to study science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects. Computacenter provides generous support to STEM education outreach activities for students aged 11-18 in local secondary schools and colleges.

Associate, graduate, undergraduate and apprenticeship programmes

There is no stronger future leader than one that has been grown from within the organisation, and we are passionate about the competitive advantage which nurturing future talent provides. Every young person on one of our Future Talent pathways brings a fresh and innovative approach to how we do business, and we are justly proud of achievements of each of them.

Nationally recognised future talent employer

We believe that IT is a people-shaped business. From the relationships we have with our customers and partners to the experiences we create for end users, people are at the heart of everything we do. This is as true for ourselves, as it is for our customers. We are proud to be recognised for our achievements in identifying and nurturing new talent.

Understanding people matter

Our continuing success is based on hiring, developing and retaining high quality people with the right values and attitude. We strive to make Computacenter an exciting place to work that allows employees to grow and reach their full potential.